Spring Boosters for COVID-19: What you need to know

Don’t let your protection fade. Find out what you’re eligible for and how to arrange your vaccination appointment.

Who is eligible

NHS Scotland recommends you have the spring booster this year if you:

are aged 75 years or over (by 30 June 2023)
live in a care home for older adults
are aged 5 years or over (by 1 April 2023) and have a weakened immune system

Information on the COVID vaccine can be found on NHS Inform.

Online booking portal

You can log in to book using your unique username and password. This is the same as you had for your previous doses of the coronavirus vaccine.

Go to the online booking portal

Get help with booking

You can rearrange your appointment if the time or day doesn’t suit you.

The coronavirus vaccine should be given at least 12 weeks after your last dose.

Choosing how you’d like to be contacted

You can now update your contact details and your preferred method of contact on the online portal. If you select to receive future correspondence about your coronavirus and flu vaccines by email or SMS then you will no longer receive future letters with this information.