Self Referral
Most referrals to other specialists will require you seeing or speaking with a GP. However, there are a number of local services, listed below, that you are able to make self referrals to.
Wellbeing Services South Glasgow
The South Glasgow Wellbeing Services consists of psychologists, cognitive-behavioural therapists, counsellors and guided self -help workers. They offer a variety of self-help materials, groups and courses for conditions such as low mood, anxiety, anger, stress, panic attacks and health anxiety.
0141 232 2555
Exercise Programs – Live Active
If your patient isn’t sure where to start and wants or needs some support to become more active then Live Active is the right choice.
0141 232 1860
Money Advice and Rights Team (MART)
The Money Advice and Rights team (MART) offer East Renfrewshire residents help and support with making a claim to benefits, budgeting and debt advice. The team are able to make sure you are getting all the money you're entitled to and to help you reduce your debt.
0141 577 8420
Sexual Health Services at The Sandyford
Sandyford provides an integrated sexual and reproductive health service across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area; Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire. It is delivered in a confidential, friendly, non- judgmental manner from a range of highly professional staff that include doctors, nurses, counsellors, reception, and administration staff to name a few.
0141 211 8130
The Podiatry Service in NHSGGC provides triage, screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and foot health education to patients with a lower limb condition or a systemic condition that affects the lower limb. The service aspires to be needs led and person centred to support and enable self care where possible. Patients, (and carers and family members where indicated) are involved in the development and delivery of treatment plans where appropriate.
0141 347 8909
An MSK (musculoskeletal) physiotherapist can provide expert assessment and advice to help you manage pain, disability and injury to your joints, muscles or spine.
We do this through questioning and physical assessment.
We want to know what impact these problems are having on your life. Together we will discuss ways we can help aid your recovery and guide you to achieve your goals.
Completed forms should be handed into the Physiotherapy desk within Eastwood Health & Care Centre (EHCC).
Memory Lane
Everyone who goes along can benefit from activities such as reminiscing, light exercise, stress relief, arts and crafts.
SilverCloud – Self Referral
SilverCloud – interactive computer programme accessible without a referral for these packages:
· Managing Stress
· Managing Sleep
· Developing Resilience
· Managing During Covid-19
You will be asked to set up an account by creating a username and password. You will also be asked to enter a pin which is Scotland2020.
Breathing Space – Feeling Low, Anxious or Stressed?
Breathing Space was launched in 2002 to address serious concerns about the mental wellbeing of people in Scotland. The service became a national phone line in 2004.
Breathing Space is Scotland's mental health phone and Webchat service responding to people who are experiencing distress in their lives. It is an integral part of NHS 24's suite of mental health support services. Contact them on 0800 83 85 87 or visit the Breathing Space website.
0800 83 85 87
Care equipment and adapting your home
If you’re elderly, disabled or have a long term health condition and want help to live safely and independently in your home, using equipment, technology or making adaptations to your home may be a good option for you.
This could include: getting equipment, like shower rails, adapting your home by installing a ramp or widening the doors, using everyday technology like computers or tablets to keep in touch with friends and family, or do your shopping online. Care Information Scotland can advise
0800 011 3200
Arranging or changing your DRS (Diabetic retinopathy screening) appointment
Most health boards have a diabetic retinopathy screening (DRS) service that can arrange appointments and answer any questions or problems you might have.
When you receive your DRS invitation letter you might need to contact your local service to arrange a time to have the test. You can also ask for a new appointment if you fail to, or can no longer, attend your appointment.
Book your Midwife appointment online
Your first main appointment is your booking appointment (booking visit) with your midwife normally between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you've just found out that you're pregnant, get the best start for you and your baby by making an appointment with a midwife
Most Health Boards in Scotland allow patients to book directly without seeing your Doctor, if your Health Board area is not shown, then contact the Practice for further advice.
Request transport to your Healthcare Appointment
Patient Transport Service provides ambulances to patients who need support to reach their healthcare appointment, or for their admission to and discharge from hospital, due to their medical/clinical needs.
0300 123 1236
My Diabetes My Way
The NHS Scotland interactive diabetes website to help support people who have diabetes and their family and friends.
You'll find leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. You can now also use this website to view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results, to help you manage your condition more effectively.